Rest API

Moonify is an innovative solution to help you monetize your traffic.


The Rest API of Moonify is part of the server SDK. It helps you initialize a Moonify session between your server and ours,which gives you the ability to send critical information to us like the connected user id.

You will need:

Please refer to the Getting started section, if you don’t know what it is.


The host of the api is and will always be

API Version

Latest version : 0.2

The Moonify Rest API is realeased in versions. As a Moonify provider, you will be notified when a new version comes out, or when an older version is deprecated.

The version number is reflected in the URL like this :


Almost all requests need to be authenticated using your private serviceID. There are several methods, the most practical one is to use the Authorization header like the example below.

Request example
$ curl \
-H "Authorization: serviceID yourServiceID"

Response example

[HTTP/1.1 201 Created]

    "success": true,
    "tokenID": "7d49d33b9d616b526e960094acb716d6"

The “serviceID” parameter passed in POST or GET can be used to authenticate too.

HTTP Methods

Moonify API uses appropriate HTTP method for each action.

Method Description
GET Used for retrieving resources.
POST Used for creating resources, or performing actions.


Responses will be in the JSON format.

Node Name Description
error If this property is filled, this is due to an error
{resource name} Includes the invoked API’s data

HTTP Status Code

Moonify API indicate success or failure of an API call. An exhaustive list of used HTTP status codes are below.

Method Description
2xx Success
4xx Bad request sent to server
5xx Server side error

Details :

Method Description Details
200 Success The request was successfully completed.
201 Created The request was a success and the resource has been created.
400 Bad request The request cannot be performed. (malformed/missing param.)
403 Unauthorized The request was rejected because of an invalid serviceID.
404 Not found The resource you’ve requested doesn’t exist.
405 Method Not Allowed The requested resource doesn’t support the HTTP Method used.
500 Server error The server has encoutered an error. Please contact us in this case.

Rejected request response example

[HTTP/1.1 401 Unautorized ]

    "error": "Service ID is invalid"

Get started

To initialize a monetization session, you have to call the ‘sessions’ method

Request example
$ curl \
-H "Authorization: serviceID yourServiceID" \
-d '{"userID":"MyUserId"}'

Response example

[HTTP/1.1 201 Created]

    "success": true,
    "tokenID": "7d49d33b9d616b526e960094acb716d6"

A tokenID will be given in the response. You will now have to programmatically write some Javascript code in your page for the JS SDK to take over.

<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">Moonify.set({tokenID : 'INSERT_TOKENID_HERE' });</script>


Open a session

Initialize a Moonify session (required to start monetization). You have the option to pass parameters such as userID and multiples groups. This results in the creation of a user and/or groups.

The user is always registered in the last declared group, and the score is incremented in this last group.

API Endpoint
POST /moonitize/sessions


Parameters Type Description Default value
serviceID String Your private service ID -
userID (optional) String The id of a user from your website/service -
@… (optional) String All values preceded by ‘@’ are recognized as a group -
Request example
$ curl \
-H "Authorization: serviceID yourServiceID" \
-d '{"userID" : "MyUserId", "@team" : "blue", "@kind" : "paladin"}'

Response example

[HTTP/1.1 201 Created]

    "success": true,
    "tokenID": "7d49d33b9d616b526e960094acb716d6"


List of all users

Get a list and details of all users of your service.

API Endpoint
GET /moonitize/users

Limitation : 100 users per request. You should use start cursor to get next users (see params.). Sorting possibilities are limited to a few indexes. (score/desc only at this time).

Note : All statistics returned by lists are updated each 5 minutes.


Parameters Type Description Default value
limit Integer Constrain the number of items returned 100
start Integer Start item cursor (to paginate) 0
order String Sort column -
dir String Sort direction (“asc” or “desc”) desc
Request example
$ curl http://api.moonify.devel/0.2/moonitize/users\?limit=50\&order=score\&dir=desc \
-H "Authorization: serviceID yourServiceID"

Response example

[HTTP/1.1 200 OK]

    "users": {
        "martin": {
            "id": "martin",
            "score": 2161.6045921436,
            "scoreRewarded": 109.90210949047,
            "scoreRewardedByMoonify": 101.1255322047,
            "totalTime": 84160,
            "updated": "2018-05-17 09:01:26"
        "betty": {
            "id": "betty",
            "score": 271.4609971238,
            "scoreRewarded": 0,
            "scoreRewardedByMoonify": 41.1255322047,
            "totalTime": 4819,
            "updated": "2018-03-16 17:22:04"
        "john": {
            "id": "john",
            "score": 21.832955758312,
            "scoreRewarded": 0,
            "scoreRewardedByMoonify": 91.1255322047,
            "totalTime": 478,
            "updated": "2018-03-15 15:22:02"

Retrieve an user

Get the details of a given user

API Endpoint
GET /moonitize/users/{userid}
Request example
$ curl http://api.moonify.devel/0.2/moonitize/users/betty \
-H "Authorization: serviceID yourServiceID"

Response example

[HTTP/1.1 200 OK]
    "user": {
        "id": "betty",
        "score": 271.4609971238,
        "scoreRewarded": 0,
        "scoreRewardedByMoonify": 91.1255322047,
        "totalTime": 4819,
        "updated": "2018-03-16 17:22:04"


Retrieve a group

Get the details of a given group

The score of a group represents the total score that each user has achieved in that group.

API Endpoint
GET /moonitize/groups/{groupname}/{groupvalue}/
Request example
$ curl http://api.moonify.devel/0.2/moonitize/groups/team/blue/ \
-H "Authorization: serviceID yourServiceID"

Response example

[HTTP/1.1 200 OK]
    "group": {
        "name": "team",
        "value": "blue",
        "score": 19.517380442180833,
        "scoreRewarded": 218.454544,
        "scoreRewardedByMoonify": 91.1255322047,
        "totalTime": 975,
        "updated": "2018-04-26 16:31:29"

List of all users in a group

Get lists and details of all users of a given group

The score of a user in a group represents the total score that this user has made in this group.

API Endpoint
GET /moonitize/groups/{groupname}/{groupvaalue}/users/

Limitation : 100 users per request. You should use start cursor to get next users (see params.). Sorting possibilities are limited to a few indexes. (score/desc only at this time).

Note : All statistics returned by lists are updated each 5 minutes.


Parameters Type Description Default value
limit Integer Constrain the number of items returned 100
start Integer Start item cursor (to paginate) 0
order String Sort column -
dir String Sort direction (“asc” or “desc”) desc
Request example
$ curl http://api.moonify.devel/0.2/moonitize/groups/team/blue/users\?limit=50\&order=score\&dir=desc \
-H "Authorization: serviceID yourServiceID"

Response example

[HTTP/1.1 200 OK]

    "users": {
        "gerald": {
            "id": "gerald",
            "score": 1222.6045921436,
            "scoreRewarded": 218.454544,
            "scoreRewardedByMoonify": 91.1255322047,
            "totalTime": 8416,
            "updated": "2018-05-17 09:01:26"
        "gregory": {
            "id": "gregory",
            "score": 5346.4609971238,
            "scoreRewarded": 218.454544,
            "scoreRewardedByMoonify": 91.1255322047,
            "totalTime": 98827,
            "updated": "2018-03-16 17:22:04"

Retrieve a user in a group

Get the details of a given user in a given group

The score of a user in a group represents the total score that this user has made in this group.

API Endpoint
GET /moonitize/groups/{groupname}/{groupvalue}/users/{userid}
Request example
$ curl http://api.moonify.devel/0.2/moonitize/groups/team/blue/users/gerald \
-H "Authorization: serviceID yourServiceID"

Response example

[HTTP/1.1 200 OK]
    "user": {
        "id": "gerald",
        "score": 271.4609971238,
        "scoreRewarded": 218.454544,
        "scoreRewardedByMoonify": 91.1255322047,
        "totalTime": 4819,
        "updated": "2018-03-16 17:22:04"